The parkrun Collection
If something is outdoors, has variety, can be tracked and has challenges, it’s a fair bet that I’ll get obsessed with it. parkun ticks all of those boxes and it’s been an obsession of mine since 2012. A friend who had got the parkrun bug a few years before took me to a Boxing Day Freedom Run in December 2012. I was hooked straight away and returned to Black Park to do my first official one the following week. I started touring early, heading over to Wycombe Rye only a few weeks later. As it happened the event was called off due to ice but we did a Freedom Run anyway and returned the following week to do it properly.
Since then I’ve been touring as much as possible, collecting challenges and counties along the way. Here’s a selection of my blog posts on parkrun. Comment below or contact me if you spot any errors and I’ll donate £1 to the parkrun Forever fund for each correction made.
parkrun Challenges & general geekery
parkrun Regions and Counties: London & The South East
Other parkrun Regions and Counties
I add in a new county collection page once I’ve completed at least 3 events in the county. If you would like to speed up the process, Buy Me A Coffee and I’ll create a new one for your chosen county.
parkrun Timeline
My completion year for the various parkrun clubs, challenges, countries and counties. There’s a few other smaller challenges that I’ve not shown here.
Green achievement badges sourced from the Running Challenges extension